Empowering the Unhoused Thru Street Outreach

Melissa Moore

About seven years ago, Melissa Moore found herself homeless, living among friends she calls her “tribe.”  She always knew there was a way out, but frustration and desperation kept her stuck

“Then I realized I was the one blocking my way out,” Moore says. “I had to change my mindset and learn from each experience. There is always a lesson. With a new lens, I gained clarity and saw how broken the systems are in place to help the unhoused and the gaps and roadblocks that need to be fixed or changed.”

She began working with city and county government leaders to insist on transparency and accountability in assisting the unhoused. She said she gained a lot of experience and contacts and began bridging the gaps and finding solutions. 

Moore has a Medical Assistant degree from Western Career College and applied those healthcare skills to support the street health outreach program of Tiburcio Vásquez Health Center, where she worked for over three years. She is also the Co-Founder of East Bay HomeBridge Connect, a grassroots homeless advocacy group.

On June 20, 2023, Moore and her partners established Rising Into Self Empowerment (RISE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in California to serve the vulnerable population of people experiencing homelessness in Alameda County. She says each member of RISE has lived the experience of homelessness, so they know the struggle and the rock bottoms. 

We are here to support our unhoused on the path towards their goals and empower them in their journey out of the darkness.
— Melissa Moore

The group’s mission is to empower the ones still out there where they are, building connection and trust, assessing their needs, bringing needed supplies, including food and hygiene bags, water and camp supplies, and referring them to various resources, including medical, legal, and housing. RISE has more than 50 case management clients and they are continually finding others as they do outreach. 

“We offer case management and support through transitions and give them tools to empower them to keep moving forward. We network and collaborate with different organizations and service providers to expand our vision of what we can do to create better opportunities and solutions moving forward,” Moore says. 

While the work is satisfying, Moore has been relying on donations and her savings to start RISE. She says she is at risk of running out of funds and is now looking to apply for grants and funding. To help, Moore says she needs to hire a grant writer and has started a $5,000 GoFundMe account to support the process.

She says the donations will keep the street outreach team stocked items

“We need your donations to continue to build on this firm foundation we have worked hard to lay down. I am always open for any questions or concerns from the community,” Moore says.

To donate, visit the RISE GoFundMe website (https://gofund.me/ff970ba6).


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