First Day of School – CV Elementary

Mrs. Limnios - Kindergarten Teacher 

Kids returned to the classroom last Wednesday for the first day of school. At Castro Valley Elementary (CVE), TK-5th grade students were greeted with cheers, high-fives, and excitement. CVE Principal Elizabeth Duran Contreras says that this year, staff are excited to continue working with our parent affinity groups. These include the school’s Comité de padres Hispanos, Chinese Discussion Group, Black, African American, and African Parent Group. In addition to CVE’s Black Student Union, Principal Contreras says the school will be forming new clubs, including a Latino Student Union, Asian Student Union, and Neurodiversity Club. 



Photo captions:

Pic 1 (#2573): Ms. Lopez - First grade classroom 


Pic 2 (#2586) : Mrs. Baker - Second Grade 


Pic 3 (#2595) : Devin C. and Dillinger C. - Fourth Grade (Taken with parental permission)


Pic 4 (#6562): Ms. Lopez - First Grade Read Aloud


Pic 5 (#2572): Ms. Marshall - First Grade 


Pic 6 (#2589) : Mrs. Limnios - Kindergarten Teacher 


Pic 7 (#2596): Staff Lounge- From left to right- Mr. Brazil (4th grade teacher), Mr. B (4/5 teacher), Mrs. Rossillion (5th grade teacher), Ms. Seyller (5th grade teacher)


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