MAC MEETING: Outdoor School’s Impact on Cull Canyon Discussed

The Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) heard further discussion of a somewhat controversial proposed project to operate an outdoor school for kids at 17015 Cull Canyon Road during their Monday night meeting.

The Mosaic Project wants to open “the Outdoor Project” on 37 acres in the Canyonlands. The camp would include an outdoor recreation facility and offer a multi-day nature-oriented experience for school children.

At Monday night’s meeting, the MAC didn’t entertain questions and comments about the merit of the project or Mosaic, but rather only information regarding the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the project which has been submitted to the County. 

Mosaic seeks to demolish an existing 7,500-square-foot garage on the property, improve trails and roads, and construct 12 400-square-foot cabins, an 8,500-square-foot dining hall/ meeting area, a 1,025-square-foot restroom/ shower building, and a 2,600-square-foot staff residence. 

The conversation was largely stilted as the EIR was the only subject that could be directly addressed. Still, speakers expressed concerns about factors including wildfire risks, water needs, pesticides, and more.

MAC member Chuck Moore said that he felt the EIR as presented was lacking. 

“There are a lot of questions and no answers,” said Moore. “This EIR is very incomplete.” 

But not everyone opposed the camp. Earlier this month Castro Valley Unified School District Superintendent Parvin Ahmadi wrote a letter expressing “enthusiastic support” for the Mosaic Project, saying that Mosaic’s “mission is aligned with our school district’s vision and mission.” 

Ahmadi further said that the district was excited that CVUSD students would be able to take advantage of Mosaic’s programs.

The project was first proposed in 2020 and public comment is open until November 21. After the EIR is finalized and comments entered into the record, County staff planner Sonia Urzua says they expect it to be an action item for the MAC in a month or so. 

In other land use news, the MAC approved an application to allow a large parcel of land at 3621 and 3533 Lorena Avenue near the intersection with Santa Maria Avenue to be rezoned from Planned Development to Residential Mixed Use.

The rezoning was approved 6-1, with MAC member Al Padro dissenting.

Developers propose razing an existing duplex and building 13 new townhomes on the site, called the Lorena One Village.

Public speaker Bruce King expressed concerns about an initial lack of professional landscaping plans and a possible shortage of trees. Others said they were worried traffic and parking from nearby Castro Valley High School would be negatively impacted, but the MAC eventually gave the rezoning a go-ahead.

“It’s definitely one of our higher-density projects,” said MAC member Ken Carbone. “But I think it’s going to be a good project.”

The MAC also unanimously approved an application to sell alcohol in an existing shopping center at 3300 East Castro Valley Boulevard. “Crossroads Specialty Foods” will now be allowed to sell beer and wine. 

The MAC said that the shopping center needs some upgrades overall- namely better lighting and safety measures and added that they’d like the landlord to come to the MAC in six months with some upgrades.

But the MAC added that they didn’t want to block the store’s Conditional Use Permit in the meantime, saying that alcohol sales will give the shop a boost (alcohol sales are estimated to make up about 4 percent of the store’s overall sales) in a location that has struggled in the past.

Finally, the MAC also unanimously approved their 2023 meeting calendar- a schedule of 34 meetings (24 Land Use and 10 General Purpose) that will run from Monday, January 9 through Monday, December 18, 2023. Land Use meetings will typically be scheduled for the second and fourth Mondays of the month, while General Purpose meetings will take place on the third Monday


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