Online Survey Seeks Valley View Park Feedback

After several meetings to discuss what to include in a new park in Castro Valley, residents have one more chance to discuss which features should take priority and add their comments through an online survey until September 19.

Valley View will be a brand-new park for the Hayward Area Recreation and Park District (H.A.R.D.).  The 24-acre open space on a hilltop on the west end of Castro Valley features noteworthy topography and sweeping views. It is located at Sydney Way between Stanton and Carlton Avenues. H.A.R.D. purchased the undeveloped site from the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) in 2014 to build a new park.

The Master Planning stage of the project is currently underway. Over the last six months, H.A.R.D. has heard from the community through a series of in-person and virtual meetings, along with online surveys. Input received during these meetings and surveys guided the park design and thus developed a single Draft Concept Plan.

The Draft Concept Plan features multiple loop trails, with active attractions such as nature play areas, a dog park, a pump track, and workout stations. Other areas in the park include picnic areas, an outdoor classroom, overlooks, and reflective gardens. Earlier designs that would have included space for two soccer fields and a softball field have been shelved. The design seeks to retain the natural character of the site, allowing it to serve the entire community while minimizing the impact on neighbors.

H.A.R.D. is currently conducting an online survey for the community to share their thoughts on the Draft Concept Plan. The survey went live on August 19 and will remain open for comment until September 19. The survey can be accessed here:

Each question includes a short list of options to choose from.

  • “What part of the park are you most excited about?”

  • “What part of the park do you think is the greatest benefit to the whole Castro Valley community?”

  • “What is the most unique and special part of the park design to you?”

“We hope to hear from the community to ensure the future park will reflect their vision,” said H.A.R.D. spokesperson, Nicole Roa.

Once the online survey is closed, results will be tallied and combined along with the feedback received at the August 13, 2022, community meeting. The final design will be refined based on the input received. The feedback is also a way for H.A.R.D. to prioritize which park features are developed first. The district has $10 million available now in funding from the 2016 Measure F1 Bond.

H.A.R.D.’s next event will be to present the refined plan to the HARD Board of Directors on October 17, 2022. The Castro Valley MAC (Municipal Advisory Committee) is also expected to review the plan in October.


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