Patti’s Swim School: 45 Years of Swimming Safety

photo courtesy of Patti’s Swim School

Patti’s Swim School in Castro Valley has taught over 100,000 people to swim during its 45-year existence.

Patti’s Swim School in Castro Valley has taught over 100,000 people to swim during its 45-year existence, and owner Patti O’Brien has no plans to slow down. 

“I’ll probably never retire from my business,” she says. “I started my school when I was 15 years old. I was working at another swim center and decided Castro Valley needed a specialized swimming school.” 

Patti’s Swim School specializes in tailoring lessons to individual needs and abilities. Early in her career, Patti gave lessons during summer vacation while going to school and raising her six children.  Eventually earning a master's in education, Patti became a teacher, and she saw that people learn more when lessons are one-on-one. 

“Now, about 30 percent of our students are on the autism spectrum. We meet the needs of the swimmer,” she says. “We have highly trained staff who are continuously monitored for effectiveness.” 

Another specialty area is “drown-proofing” children at an early age, including toddlers under two.  With all the pools and open waters in California, infant water survival skills are critical, says Patti. 

“We also teach lots of adults, including people in their 80s. We customize all our lessons,” she adds. “We respect all religions and have class times for Muslim women where no men are allowed. We do a lot of lessons for homeschooled students. We also train people for competitive swimming, focusing on good form.” 

Patti’s Swim School works closely with the Regional Center of the East Bay, which funds lessons for folks with disabilities.

Patti O’Brien was inspired by her family to serve the community, especially to enhance its health, fitness and safety. She followed the example of her father, Dr. Arthur O’Brien, and brother, Dr. Michael O’Brien, who are both known for their generous service to our community. 

“Patti’s Swim School is more than just a place where children and adults learn to swim,” says Patti’s daughter Julia Miller. “It’s a community cornerstone fostering water safety, confidence, and lifelong skills for over 45 years… From infant swim classes to adult swim lessons, the school ensures that everyone has an opportunity to learn and enjoy swimming, regardless of their background or skill level.”

Diablo Magazine recently awarded Patti’s Swim School “Best of the East Bay” for kids’ swimming lessons. Members of the public nominate and vote for this award. 

Patti’s Swim School now operates year-round. During winter months, the pool is covered with a retractable “aqua dome,” which keeps the area warm. The pool is salt water to minimize chlorine absorption for students and staff. Patti says it’s similar to swimming in the ocean.

For more information or to sign up for lessons, visit, call (510) 331-6610, or


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