Time to Strike up the Bands, Orchestra

Three musical groups are re-starting in Castro Valley following COVID shutdowns, and two are looking for musicians who might like to join them.  The Castro Valley Community Band, Castro Valley Orchestra, and Swing Band are under the umbrella of Castro Valley Adult and Career Education (CVACE).  All practice weekly in Castro Valley school facilities—following health and safety protocols—and are planning free public performances at CV Center for the Arts (CFA).

CV Community Band

The Castro Valley Community Band has been playing since the 1950s. It was started by George DeGregori, music teacher at A.B. Morris Junior High. About 30 people came for the first rehearsal, including school personnel Roy Johnson, Jim Kerr, Bill Hauck, and Lois LaVelle. 

DeGregori moved to Arizona in 1960, and energetic Tony Morelli became bandleader after a series of interim directors. Following Tony’s sudden passing in 1998, trumpeter Harry Hanover took over to finish the season. Tony’s daughter Kathy Morelli Maier then took up the baton and has been the director ever since.  

“We have all ages now, from 21 to 94,” says Maier.  “If you miss playing your brass, woodwind, or percussion instrument in a group, this is just the place for you. We have a mix of levels from intermediate to advanced, and we play a variety of music including marches, musicals, classical, big band, pop, rock, and more.”

Band members are grateful that the group is back in session.

“When the class was offered again it was like coming back to life,” says bass player Lawrence Cappuccio. “Musicians are confident that it is a COVID-safe environment with all musicians following masking requirements, with horn bell and flute mouthpiece covers. Most importantly there has been good follow-through by the Adult School administrators and staff. I can’t thank the district enough for all the energy put forth to make this happen.”

Trumpet player and longtime band-member Alan Osofsky agrees.

“Playing the trumpet and being a part of the Community Bands gives me a lot of personal enjoyment,” says Osofsky. “It is also a way to challenge myself and strive to improve my trumpet playing skills. The friendships I have made with other like-minded folks enriches my life tremendously.’

Castro Valley Community Band practices Wednesdays from 7:30 – 9 p.m. in the Canyon Middle School Multipurpose Room. Its next concert is scheduled for March 23 at 7:30 p.m.

Castro Valley Orchestra

The Castro Valley Orchestra is directed by founding member Josh Cohen, who started the group 20 years ago. 

“We’re people who enjoy playing instruments together, who love to perform.  Our members come from the entire Bay Area and come together out of their love for music and to share their talents and passions in music,” says Cohen. “We play serious classical music, and many of our members have become much better players with our Orchestra.”

Cohen conceived the CV Orchestra when a cellist friend of his mentioned that she’d like to play with a group, but found options were limited at that time.

“I’d conducted various orchestras and started looking for somewhere to partner with us.  We talked to the Castro Valley Adult School principal at that time, the late ‘Dobie’ Gelles, and he liked the idea,” adds Cohen. “The cellist who gave me that idea has moved away, but our group still loves to perform. We do three to four concerts a year, in and around Castro Valley.”

The CV Orchestra is currently looking for advanced and intermediate-advanced string players of all types, including violin, viola, cello, and bass. It is also seeking an oboe player, and possibly other woodwinds. (Note: this is not a beginning class.  For more information and questions, e-mail Cohen at maestro@cvorchestra.org or see http://cvorchestra.org/)

The Castro Valley Orchestra practices Tuesdays from 7:15 – 9:15 p.m. in the Creekside Middle School Multipurpose Room. Its next concert is scheduled for March 27 at 2 p.m.

Swing Band

Swing Band performs Big Band favorites from the 1930s and ‘40s to the present.  The group’s longtime director, Milton Bowerman, recently retired, but the band continues.  In fact, several players from the other two groups play in Swing Band as well. Lawrence Cappuccio is one of these.

“For years I’ve been enrolled in the Swing Band and the Community Band offered by Castro Valley Adult School performing arts program,” says Cappuccio. “I’ve learned something every class from the Bay Area’s finest instructors. Playing string bass and electric bass defines me as an expression of my human spirit. Returning to these COVID-safe programs has brought me back to life.”

Though it is not recruiting new players at this time, the Swing Band practices Mondays from 7-9 p.m. in the Canyon Band Room.  Its next concert will be on May 22 at 2 p.m.

For more information on joining the Community Band or Orchestra now, call Castro Valley Adult and Career Education at (510) 886-1000.  Sign-ups for the next quarter may also be done online at www.cvadult.org.  Persons who might wish to direct the Swing Band are asked to contact Assistant Principal Meighen Eberly at the same number.

Eberly hopes community members will renew their interest in these classes and performances. She is grateful for the school sites that provide rehearsal and performance space.

“In light of COVID and to celebrate our ability to come back to live music concerts, the concerts this school year at the CFA are free,” says Eberly. “We know that folks have missed the music programs so this will hopefully encourage them to venture out and come back to in-person events.”

Castro Valley Adult and Career Education is located at 4430 Alma Ave., and the Center for the Arts is located at 19501 Redwood Rd.


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