Aiden Anguiano

Our Athlete of the Week is Aiden Anguiano. This Junior at Castro Valley High School is currently practicing for the 2022 CVI Flag Football Season. “I've been playing Flag Football with CVI for over 8 years and it's always so much fun! I love the team spirit, and Team Dogs at the end of each game. I have made many friends and learned some awesome skills from being part of this league. I am looking forward to getting back on the field this season,” Aiden says. In addition to flag football, Aiden is also training as an amateur boxer at Osorio Training Center in Hayward. CVI's Flag Football draft begins on August 13. Games will start on August 27. Games are played on Marshall Field. The league is looking for coaches and more players. You can go to for more details.


Alex Williams


Castro Valley Bocce