11 Year Old Raises $500 for East Bay SPCA

Castro Valley native Brooke Robinson (at left) recently raised $500 to donate to the East Bay SPCA in Dublin. She and her grandmother Patricia Takata recently visited the shelter where she spoke with the staff and got to play with the animals waiting to be adopted. Before leaving the facility, Brooke told her grandmother that she wanted to raise money to help the animals. She said SPCA representative Bettina West (at right) encouraged her to take some brochures and share her experience with others. In the following weeks, Brooke talked to family, neighbors, classmates, teachers and friends. Her initial $10 grew to $20 and then to $50 and onward. Brooke's sister generously gave her $100. Brooke loves animals and wants to volunteer at East Bay SPCA next year. Brooke will be in 6th Grade at Creekside Middle School this year. She says she plans to continue to do all she can to help animals and hopes one day to become a veterinarian.


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