Redwood Chapel Hosts 23rd Annual CV Night of Honor

On Monday July 18, Redwood Chapel Community Church hosted the 23rd Annual Castro Valley Night of Honor with colors for the event presented by the Honor Guard of the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office.  The purpose of the event is to show gratitude to all of the local public safety personnel and first responders for the protection and services that are provided to us every day.  The event was attended by approximately 300 community members, including 103 public safety personnel from agencies such as Alameda County Fire Department, Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, California Highway Patrol, Union City Police Department, Cal Fire, Hayward Police Department, and Hayward Fire Department, as well as 31 first responder family members.  Executive Pastor Eric Junginger emceed the event, while Redwood Chapel volunteers served a free dinner and dessert to these honored guests.  Pastor Larry Vold of 3 Crosses spoke about our First Responders’ duty to protect and serve, and reasons why our community honors them.  Alameda County Fire Department Chief William McDonald answered community questions about the current status of Measure X (the A.C.F.D. Fire Safety Bond measure to repair and upgrade outdated fire stations in Castro Valley) and the Department’s Christmas Toy Drive in partnership with CrossStreets.  Alameda County Sheriff Greg Ahern similarly answered community inquiries about the recent U.S. Supreme Court decision on concealed carry permits and the current challenges with drugs and weapons our community is facing.  Night of Honor organizer Dennis Glover (former San Leandro Police Department officer) read a list of first responders who had died in the line of duty this past year and then invited attendees to join the Martin C. Kaufman 100 Club to help financially support the widows, widowers, and dependents of police officers and firefighters who lose their lives in the line of duty in Alameda County.  At the conclusion of the event, community members personally thanked those first responders for their service to our community and explored the Incident Command Vehicles of the California Highway Patrol, Union City Police Department, and Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, as well as the Sheriff’s SWAT and Bomb vehicles and Alameda County Fire Department ladder truck.


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