3 Ways to Encourage Social Skills in Kids

A few weeks ago, the Castro Valley Rotary hosted a car show where many different vendors and service providers gathered. In one of the booths, young children from the local Girl and Boy Scout troops gave away free lemonade. They approached the crowd with smiles, confidence, and determination, making their lemonade stand a hit. As I observed them, I noticed how many soft skills they were practicing while having a blast! Little did they know that the few hours they spent on this activity could significantly impact their overall development and future success in various areas of their life, including the workplace.

“Soft skills” are a variety of character traits and interpersonal abilities in different domains, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, flexibility, and time management. Research from the Carnegie Mellon Foundation, Stanford Research Center, and Harvard University found that 85 percent of long-term job success depends on soft skills, while only 15 percent is based on an individual's technical knowledge. But how often do you hear about our children studying their "soft skills?" Fortunately, practicing these abilities is not as hard as you might think since learning opportunities can be easily incorporated into our everyday lives.

For instance, during the car show, the children at the lemonade stand were asked to approach strangers and invite them to their booth for "free and delicious lemonade!" Some held signs, while others took cups of lemonade to guests across the way. They quickly learned that a smile and a playful tone resulted in more customers. As the day went on, the kids became more confident and more independent in their greetings, service, and social skills.

The kids worked in a team—taking turns holding the signs, delivering the lemonade, collecting donations, and pouring the drinks. Some of the kids did not know one another; however, since they were tasked with a shared goal, they instantly built a relationship toward completing their mission—and did so joyfully. There was a real feeling of accomplishment and a sense of purpose to their duties. And they poured that into every cup of lemonade.

Teaching social skills can be incorporated into your child's life simply by using your everyday experiences. Here are some ways you can put this into practice:

  1. Communication: Ask your child to lead the communication at the check stand when you go to the grocery store. Practice “small talk” with the cashier and even have them complete the transaction by helping to make the payment.

  2. Collaboration and Teamwork: Decide on a shared goal; maybe host a family yard sale and ask your child to plan and lead its execution. Keep it small and easy, but let your child make the decisions and work with them to problem solve.

  3. Flexibility: Brainstorm scenarios with your child where plans change; they need to model being flexible and finding alternatives. Have your child think of options beforehand while planning activities and help them pivot to them when needed.

By instilling social skills in children early on, we equip them with a strong foundation for success in the workplace and beyond. However, it's important to note that social skill development is an ongoing process, and continued support and reinforcement throughout our kids' lives can further enhance their abilities to thrive in various professional and personal settings. Give it a try.

Jagmeet Kaur Sangha

Jagmeet Kaur Sangha is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst with a Master’s in Educational Leadership from Sacramento State University and a Bachelor's in Sociology from the University of California, Davis.

For over a decade, Jagmeet has led organizational leaders to create safe and dynamic workplaces that drive innovation and business results. She is invested in creating healthy workplaces that contribute to a flourishing society. 

Jagmeet uses the science of Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) and Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) to promote workplace wellbeing and to advance individuals, organizations and society through connection, education and behavior science. 

Her organization, Behavior Pivot Consulting, works with employees and employers to create thriving, neuro-inclusive communities within the workplace. 

About Behavior Pivot Consulting 

At Behavior Pivot Consulting, we partner with organizations to cultivate neuro-inclusive environments that understand brain-based differences and promote mental wellbeing. 

Our approach uses evidence-based methods from the science of Applied Behavior Analysis to help individuals and organizations build on strength-based skills to increase productivity, engagement and achievement within the workplace.

Schedule a time to connect by emailing info@behaviorpivot.com or visit:  https://www.behaviorpivot.com/ 


Questions From the Fitness Mailbag


Do You Want To Work With Kids But English Is Not Your First Language?