Do You Want To Work With Kids But English Is Not Your First Language?

From left to right.  Prof. Erin Debakcsy and student Zhiyang Yu worked together in a unique Castro Valley Adult & Career Education support class for the Early Childhood Development classes at Chabot College.

Do you love children? Do you want to work in a preschool or childcare center but English is not your first language?  Get your Early Childhood Development (Associate Teacher) Certificate while getting help with your English! Some students are nervous about taking early childhood education classes at Chabot College.  Now students can get in-person language support at Castro Valley Adult & Career Education (CVACE) to help them succeed.

Chabot College offers a 16 unit Early Childhood Development (ECD) Associate Teacher Certificate. After you take 6 ECD units, you can apply for an Assistant Permit. The CVACE support course is free and helps students with the language and technology they need to be successful at Chabot. Classes at Chabot are different days and times.  Some are in-person and some are online.  The CVACE class will be in-person in Castro Valley on Tuesdays from 9-12pm starting August 22nd.

This course will cover reading and writing skills as well as using the online platform at Chabot.  CVACE assists students with everything from applying to completing assignments.  Students report that CVACE Instructor Erin DeBakcsy is patient and always willing to help with whatever is needed. They are getting excellent grades and one student has already started working as a paraeducator.

CVACE Director, Beth Cutter, says: “There is a great need in California for qualified people to work in early childhood education. We’re proud to partner with Chabot, and have had fantastic feedback from students.”

If this sounds like a good fit, sign up on the interest list at or call (510) 886-1000. There is also an information zoom meeting on July 11th at 9:30am.


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