Adult School Students Celebrate Graduation

Tony Bush, Jr. celebrates the completion of his high school diploma at Castro Valley Adult & Career Education.

One graduate pushed her baby in her carriage as she walked out in the procession.  Another posed for pictures with her son who was also graduating high school this week.  She was seated in front of a carpenter looking to get his contractor’s license and start his own business. Although adult school students take various paths to finishing their education, they all share a sense of accomplishment.  On June 1st, Castro Valley Adult and Career Education (CVACE) honored ten students who had completed their GED and 23 students who had earned their high school diplomas at an inspiring commencement ceremony.

CVACE school director Beth Cutter reflected on the word “commencement” as she addressed graduates.  She talked about the meaning of the word as a “beginning.” High School diploma graduate, Tony Bush, Jr., continued by encouraging the crowd to cheer and saying “it’s never too late to do anything in life if you want to.”

Many graduates in the audience had children there witnessing their parent’s example and perseverance.  GED graduate, Christina Davila, spoke and told her story which was similar to many of her peers.  She talked about dropping out of high school as a teen because she got pregnant.  She continued moving forward raising her family and working low wage jobs because she hadn’t completed her education.  Eventually, she started a career as a medical assistant but hit a ceiling on how far she could progress without her degree.  She was also embarrassed and wanted to be an example to her kids.  She certainly succeeded. Her boys stood and cheered loudly as they watched their mom complete this goal.

Both speakers talked about what a special place CVACE is and how the caring staff helped them not only academically but also emotionally to find their inner strength to succeed.

As graduates were taking pictures, they posed with fun photo booth props. A student picked up a sign that said, “I did it!” then changed her mind.  She said, “No, this is a commencement.” Then she picked up another sign that said, “the best is yet to come.”

Are you someone who didn’t finish your education and are ready for a new beginning? If you think you could use support to finish your high school diploma or GED, contact Castro Valley Adult & Career Education at (510) 886-1000 or visit


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