Elizabeth Crocker: June Rotarian of the Month

Newest “Blue Badger” and June Rotarian of the Month Elizabeth Crocker with Rotary Club of Castro Valley President Dwight Perry

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley welcomed Elizabeth Crocker, a registered nurse and international health care executive from both the business and nonprofit sectors, recently moved to Castro Valley from England as its newest member and at the same meeting on June 7, she was recognized at the Rotary Club of Castro Valley’s Rotarian of the Month!

Club President Dwight Perry stated that in his 50-plus yeas as a Rotarian “Elizabeth fulfilled the requirements for her blue badge signifying becoming a full-fledged active member faster than anyone ever before embodying Rotary's ‘Service Above Self’ spirit of helping others locally, nationally and internationally. A great example was her positive leadership in a critical volunteer slot in the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Parade at the last minute by organizing and carrying out the judges and committee's duties on the day of the parade.”

Ceta Docterman, the Club Membership Chair stated "We're really proud of Elizabeth and her commitment to the principles of Rotary International. She stepped right up and became a full fledged active member right from the git go – with enthusiasm to spare!"

Elizabeth was no stranger to the Club as she had made a presentation by Zoom to the Club from London, England, titled "The Majesty of Horses." Her presentation was in conjunction with Rowell Ranch Rodeo festivities.

Since joining the club, Elizabeth, a polio survivor, did an in-person presentation on the subject of Post-Polio Syndrome. She is a polio survivor. The presentation was in conjunction with the annual "Polio Plus" Rotary International campaign to eradicate polio from the world.

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley is currently providing hybrid meetings with both in-person luncheons at Redwood Canyon and online on Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. Speakers and links to the meetings are posted at www.castrovalleyrotary.org under Upcoming Events. The Club welcomes individuals who want to make a positive impact locally, nationally, and internationally. Rotary International is an international non-sectarian service club. It has been active in Castro Valley since 1953.


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