Community Converges on Cream Puffs and Cops

Last Thursday, more than 300 community members gathered to chat with Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) Deputies, enjoy cream puffs, and participate in family games. 

The “Cream Puff with a Cop” event was held at Beard Papa Castro Valley. Deputies from ACSO’s Crime Prevention Unit served cream puffs and answered residents' questions about public safety. According to store owner Ye Ye, people were also able to meet and greet Beard Papa, the chain’s mascot, in a true celebration of community spirit.

“The evening was a beautiful display of community engagement driven by everyone's efforts to make this a memorable evening,” Ye Ye said. “Here's to more successful events and great community connections--because when it comes to putting in the work, we know who's got our back.” 

The cream puff event is one of several that county deputies are participating in to help foster a better understanding of law enforcement. ACSO is scheduled to co-host “Dogs and Deputies” on September 14 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Rowell Ranch Rodeo Park. The free event invites dog owners and dog lovers to learn more about animal services, enter contests, and mix and mingle with deputies, Hayward Area Recreation & Park District representatives, and Classy Canine’s Wiggle Rumps employees.


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