Concert in the Park Benefits FESCO

Supporters of FESCO, the Family Shelter in Hayward, and the public are in for a treat on Sunday, August 13th, when they show up for the Concert in the Park that afternoon.  The Concert, from 1 pm - 5 pm, is at Memorial Park, next to the Hayward Plunge on Mission Blvd.  Featured band, the Giant Garage Spiders, has become a favorite of FESCO fans for their wide repertoire from “oldies” to current tunes and their professional musicianship.

HARD and Hayward Odd Fellows sponsor this free popular Concert Series every summer.  Each concert features a different band and food for purchase, with food money and donations going to various Eden area non-profits.  Concert-goers bring picnic lunches and lawn chairs and spend the afternoon listening and sometimes dancing to music they love.

The August 13th concert is an annual fundraiser for FESCO (Family Emergency Shelter Coalition).  FESCO is one of the few shelters in that area that takes in families with children including teen-age boys and also single fathers.  FESCO’s program provides case management, shelter and numerous resources to assist the families to return to self-sufficiency.

FESCO urges the public to come out to Memorial Park on Sunday afternoon, August 13th for a free afternoon of toe-tapping music, raffle prizes, food and fun.  When you do, you will make a difference for homeless families with children in our area.  FESCO thanks you for that!


Cameron Sullivan’s ‘Great Catch’


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