Get Started with Fitness in 6 Steps

Getting started with a fitness routine can be pretty intimidating. So intimidating that it can stop people from doing anything at all. Here are six things to think about that’ll help put you on the right track. 

  1. Keep it simple. If you’ve read anything I’ve written on this topic, you'll know that I always emphasize keeping things as simple as possible. You don’t need a complicated plan.

  2. Schedule the time. As with most things in life, other things will get in the way if you don't intentionally put something on your schedule. Put it on your schedule and follow it.

  3. Don’t use the word “If”. As in, I'll go to the gym IF I get up in time. I’ll exercise IF I feel up to it. How often does someone feel like exercising when they get up in the morning? I sure don't. Using “if” here is just giving me an excuse not to do it.

  4. Be consistent. Just showing up is the most important thing to focus on for the first six weeks of a new exercise program. So much about fitness is based on habits. It doesn’t matter how great one workout is if you don’t show up for your next one. A focus on consistency will give you long-term results.

  5. If it feels too hard, it probably is. Of course, you want to push yourself. You won’t improve if you don't, but you don't need to go miles out of your comfort zone to do that, especially at first. A little goes a long way.

  6. It doesn’t take much. I’ve heard way too many stories of a trainer trying to wow a new client with an amazing workout only to leave them either injured or so sore that there’s no way they’ll be showing up again. What's the point of that? Think of your comfort zone as a ruler. At first, especially, you just need to go about half an inch past yours. That's it.

I hope this gives you a few things to think about.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

Castro Valley's Premier Fitness Facility

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