CROSSOVER Basketball Wraps Up 34th Season

CROSSOVER Basketball recently completed its 34th season, serving our local community with recreational-level competition while teaching Biblical character including good sportsmanship.  The season concluded on Saturday, December 17 with a season-end celebration with a free pizza dinner for the crowd of over 400 people; players, families and friends at Redwood Christian School's gymnasium in San Lorenzo.  About 250 players (coed grades 2-12) and about 50 volunteer coaches/support team members dedicated their time and effort in this two-month season (abbreviated from the usual four-months) due to practice/game facility limitations. 

Weekly practices included not only basketball drills but also a challenge to memorize Bible verses.  20 players successfully memorized all their verses and were awarded prizes.  James Tucker, Director of CROSSOVER Basketball, summarized the Bible devotions and encouraged the audience to apply them in their everyday lives.  He was followed by free throw competitions and the annual Coaches vs. Seniors game.

CROSSOVER Basketball is a sports program of Redwood Christian Schools in partnership with Castro Valley First Baptist Church, 3Crosses Church, Redwood Chapel Community Church and First Presbyterian Church of Hayward.  CROSSOVER Basketball is an official affiliate of the Golden State Junior Warriors Program.  For more information on how to participate next season, please e-mail or call Mr. Patrick Lee at 510-889-7526 ext. 412.


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