Engaging Enrichment Opportunities for All at CV Adult School

Would you like to learn a useful way to earn some extra money or develop a game plan for purchasing a new home?  Or maybe you’ve always wanted to learn to paint and would love to join a low-pressure, affordable class located close to home.  Castro Valley Adult & Career Education and its varied Community Interest programs offer these unique opportunities, with their Notary Public, 10 Easy Steps to Home Ownership and Introductory Painting classes, each beginning in October.   

The school also offers classes that promote personal growth and self-exploration. For example, if you’re someone who’d love to learn how to be a better listener and a facilitator of important conversations, Community Listening Circles is  worth checking out.  If you’d like to explore an ancient and relevant personality typing system that can foster self-knowledge and relationship strengthening,  Introduction to the Enneagram and The Enneagram as a Self-Discovery Tool for Parents are perfect opportunities.  These classes also begin in October.

Visit the school’s website at https://www.cvadult.org/ to check out the course descriptions and read the biographies of the teachers, or call the school office at (510)886-1000 for additional information.  Sign up and join other lifelong learners and explorers who love the school’s cozy and easily accessible campus, friendly staff and a curriculum that has something for everyone!


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