Free Art Demo: Learn to Paint Birds

A.R.T., Inc. is proud to present a free online demo featuring Mixed Media Artist, Educator and Designer Colleen Gianatiempo, Saturday, June 11, 2-3:30 pm. Register by June 9 on the website.

Using mixed media, Ms. Gianatiempo will show how to paint birds. This creative paint-a-long demo will be fun for all levels.

Ms. Gianatiempo, who now lives in St. George, Utah, approaches life in the same way she paints—by being courageous, honoring her intuition, trusting the journey, and embracing the mystery. This mindset enables her distinctive style.

In 2017, she earned an MFA from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. Because her art was selected for Hearts of San Francisco and the Small Town with a Big Heart Mural in Martinez, she has earned the reputation of being the “Artist with a Heart.”

Suppy List
• small Canvas –wood or paper- grocery bag 12” x 12” is a good size

• paint brushes 

• acrylic or house paint (3 colors minimum) &/or any colors of your dreams 

• mod podge, matte medium or gel medium (or make your own w/ Elmer’s glue -1  cup glue & 1/3 cup water) 

• black & white collage material (newspaper, old  books, black & white laser prints, music sheets)

• colored collage material (gift wrap, colored tissue  paper, stickers, greeting cards) 

• 1 piece of laser paper (to make a stencil with) 

•  black or colored sharpies 

• Any other ink pens in different colors (gel pens are great-especially white)

• Q-tips 

• bubble wrap 

• corks 

• scissors 

• spray bottle 

• paper towels 

• hairdryer 

• rubbing alcohol for mistakes! 

• bowl of water for cleaning brushes 


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