How to Set Inspiring Goals for 2024

Happy New Year! 2024 is upon us. I know you’ll do your best to make this an inspiring year. 

I also know that sometimes we have trouble coming up with meaningful fitness goals.

The key word being “meaningful.”

When it comes to reaching any goal it’s important it really means something to you. In a few weeks, the glitz, glamour, and excitement of a new year fades and you’re left with…well what? Your normal life, that’s what. And that normal life doesn’t have space to work on something else unless you intentionally make room and you won’t intentionally make room for something that doesn’t matter that much to you.  

In this article, you’ll learn some different things to think about when it comes to goals as we head face-first, into 2024. 

Before we start, I want to let you know that if you’re happy where you are right now or you don’t have any extra energy or time or coming up with a goal feels overwhelming, or anything like that…it’s perfectly fine.

You do you in whatever way feels best.  

But if you do want to set a meaningful goal here’s some things to think about.

Most importantly your goal must really mean something to you. That means forgetting about all the goals other people say you SHOULD be setting for yourself. Never mind that stuff. 

Next, ask yourself why, as in, “Why is this goal important to me?” You should know because the why is the reason you’ll do the work when it starts to get a little tough.

Now, and DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP, ask yourself how, as in “How will I reach my goal?” If you don’t have a plan, you won’t reach it. 

Lastly, during the planning stage it is crucial to be completely honest with yourself and what you’re willing and able to do. If you have 3 kids and a job, then you probably won’t exercise 5 days a week. If you hate getting up early, you probably won’t get up at 5am to get to the morning exercise class.  

If you’re not sure about how to determine your willingness, just ask yourself this question, “On a scale of 0-10, how sure am I that I will perform this task?”

If the answer is any less than 9, then make it a little easier. You’ll know when you have it right. 

Setting the right goals can be tricky, but don’t forget how inspiring it should be! How awesome will it feel when you get there! Let’s make 2024 a year to remember!

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

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