New Year, Leading to a New You! 

Are you a leader? (Hint: you are)

Have you ever had a bad boss? Someone who frustrated you so much that you wanted to do unspeakable things to their things. No? Just me? Ok, well that’s awkward…

Leadership is one of those things that we know is important and something we look for in others, but when it comes down to it, very few people have actually learned anything about leadership. Fortunately, now there are degrees, certifications, and classes you can take to learn more about it. As a professional life and business coach, however, it’s surprising to me that some people can’t imagine being a leader.

Let me offer you a slightly different perspective on leadership. My mentor, John Maxwell, says that leadership is influence, nothing more and nothing less. What does that mean? That means that as long as you’re able to influence one other person, you’re a leader. Kind of nice and empowering to hear that, isn’t it? 

With that perspective in mind, whom do you influence? Off the top of my head, I think about your employees or your team, and perhaps those to whom you go to for support. But those are the obvious examples. On a more subtle level, we lead our friends, family members, spouses, partners, children, and students. On an even more subtle level, you’ve influenced the random person you gave a piece of advice to or perhaps the person you last opened a door for. So really, anyone you come into contact with has the potential to be influenced by you. Feeling empowered yet?

Ok, great Kev, I gave a piece of advice and helped someone, but how does that equate to leading? I’m so glad you asked. One small act doesn’t necessarily lead to you becoming a leader. However, a series of small acts turns into a habit, and a habit repeated over time becomes your identity, which becomes your life, and eventually your legacy. Think about anything you do well or might be known for. Did it suddenly pop up on the radar for others? No! You’ve been doing it for years and you became the person known for that skill. Leadership is no different.

Are you seeing that you can become a leader? Your age or your life situation doesn’t matter. The important thing is that you start today, and you keep at it.

So, what do I need to do Kev? Well, before getting to that, let’s see what the common barriers are in our next installment.

Kevin Koo, a Castro Valley resident, is a professional life coach who specializes in personal, business, and leadership goal setting.


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