Two December Rotarians of the Month

Kimberley Alexander with President Dwight Perry

Gary Bosley

Rotary Club of Castro Valley President Dwight Perry was excited to name two Rotarians of the Month for December: Kimberley Alexander and Gary Bosley.

Kimberley Alexander, a member since January, “jumped right in with helping Treasurer Carol Wikle collect lunch fees at the start of each meeting when Carol was out of town for five weeks; Kimberley managed the job as a pro, always smiling and a very happy person” stated President Perry.

Gary Bosley, a Rotarian since 1976, “has overseen the 6-Minute programs for several years. These programs take place 2-3 times per month and give community business people and others the opportunity to talk about their businesses or hobbies, and is also always ready to step in as club photographer and takes phenomenal photos.”

Kimberley and Gary also both have 100% attendance for the hybrid meetings since July 1.

President Perry stated that “members like Kimberley and Gary allows the Rotary Club of Castro Valley to continue to provide our services and support to our members and the Castro Valley Community despite the many challenges we all face with Covid-19.”

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley is currently providing hybrid meetings with both in-person luncheons at Redwood Canyon and online on Tuesdays at 12:00 p.m. Speakers and links to the meetings are posted at under Upcoming Events. The Club welcomes individuals who want to make a positive impact locally, nationally, and internationally.


New Year, Leading to a New You! 


Rotary Club, Spectrum, HARD Provide Meals for Seniors