RCS Honors First Responders, Military, Remembers 9-11

Supt Al Hearne and teacher Laura Vanegas with Canine Officer and Dog

Redwood Christian Schools Patriots Day Assembly was held on September 8, 2023. “Remembering Our Heroes” is an annual program dedicated to remembering the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on our Great Country.  9-11 changed all of our lives forever.  Remembering and recognizing the sacrifice First Responders and their families paid on 9-11, in addition to those lives lost since then, are critical for people of all ages. On the 22nd Anniversary of 9-11, the Redwood Christian Schools community (RCS) once again gathered to recognize and thank our First Responders who serve our community, as well as active duty and veterans of our military, who continue to protect all of us today, at home and overseas.

Mrs. Lynn Conley and Mrs. Laura Vanegas' third grade classes, led the student body, their parents and guests in honoring not only our military and those who gave their lives on September 11, 2001, but also First Responders, who risk their lives daily.  Mrs. Conley’s brother, Will Seuis, died while on duty serving as an Oakland Police Officer in 2004.  Officer Seuis graduated from Redwood Christian High School in 1984.

Students are taught to honor First Responders (law enforcement, fire and EMTs) as well as those who serve or have served in our Armed Forces.  This is not taught passively, but with the purpose to ensure that our students remember that their lives are safer due to the sacrifices of those who serve us. 

The program began with the color guard from the CV Veterans of Foreign Wars presenting the flags.  Leading the Pledge to the American Flag was Kareena Parmar, and the Christian Flag was Josiah Monson.  Leading the Pledge to the Bible was Alina Cheng, and Maxwell Busch prayed for those present and not present who are serving all of us.  Mrs. Conley led everyone in singing our National Anthem.  The poem “Take A Moment” by Joanna Fuchs was recited by the third grade classes, bringing our focus onto everyone who has and is protecting each of us.  “Thank You for Your Service" composed by RCS Music Teacher Beverly Mayne was sung showing our continued appreciation for those who protect and serve us.  Mrs. Conley also read a proclamation from President Biden.

Law enforcement officers from the Oakland Police Department, where Mrs. Conley’s brother Will served, attended as well as the Alameda County Sheriff’s Department, the Castro Valley California Highway Patrol, and the Hayward Police Department.  All were recognized for their dedication and service to our community.

Mrs. Conley reminded all present why it was so important to always remember those who sacrificed their lives for us, as well as those who serve us today.  Military members, active and veterans, were recognized as well as past and present First Responders for their service.  

Local Heroes were honored by readings by students.  Fifth grader Mason Azarei honored the Military, fourth grader Terilynn Nguyen honored Police Officers, and fifth grader Joshua Redemer read a tribute to Firefighters.  Mrs. Conley led everyone present singing God Bless America.

The 2023 Patriots Day Assembly was closed by Dr. Al Hearne, Superintendent of Redwood Christian Schools. He thanked everyone who makes the event so memorable, recognized and thanked those who serve us, reminded the students to “look around at all our first responders we are honoring today. They do what they do because they want to help make the world a better place” and they should go up to them and thank them for helping to keep them safe.  He asked all First Responders to stand and then had the students stand and face them stating “These are the men and women who work to keep us safe.  They are your friends.  If you are ever afraid or need help, you can depend upon them to help you.”  Superintendent Hearne closed the chapel praying for all First Responders and those who serve us in the military.  

After the chapel, our honorees – veterans and those currently serving in our Military as well as First Responders – remained and shared time by visiting with the students in the parking lot.  Students were excited to sit on Oakland Police Department motorcycles, sit in Alameda County Sheriff vehicles, the CHP car and talk on the speaker and turn on the lights!   And a Hayward Police Department Canine Unit was present with the officer’s dog able to open its door on command!  The Hayward Police Department also provided badges for the students.  All of the First Responders posed for as many pictures as the students wanted with their new found heroes.

Superintendent Hearne stated that the leadership of Redwood Christian Schools looks for every opportunity to “instill a ‘Spirit of Patriotism’ (one of their Core Values) by fostering a Love for our Great Country, remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in the Greatest Country on Earth, as well as those who serve us every day as our First Responders.”

Redwood Christian Elementary Principal Megan Sinisi stated “I am so proud of our student body, faculty, and parent community for their involvement in today's service.  Through their songs, poems, gestures, words of appreciation, and prayer, our students showed recognition for the sacrifices made by our Military and First Responders. In an era where the world faces many challenges, the values of respect and honor are even more powerful. I believe the words and actions displayed today speak volumes about the character of our school community.”


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