Rotary Club, Spectrum, HARD Provide Meals for Seniors

Bill Andrews receives Christmas lunch from CV Rotarians Carol Bigelow and Dan Willits

photo by Jennifer Tibbetts

On Friday, December 17, the Rotary Club of Castro Valley teamed up with Spectrum Community Services and the HARD Kenneth Aiken Senior Center in a special Christmas Takeaway lunch.

The Rotary Club of Castro Valley sponsored the nourishing lunch along with best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season.

Castro Valley Rotarian Carol Bigelow coordinated the event with Hayward Area Recreation District staff member Jennifer Tibbetts Senior Center Coordinator.

Forty Seniors received their free take away lunches which were distributed by Rotarians Carol Bigelow and Dan Willits along with Senior Center Coordinator Jennifer Tibbetts in the parking lot of the Kenneth Aiken Senior Center.

“The event was heart warming”said Bigelow “we Rotarians gave a bit of ourselves, but in return received so much more, The warmth of happy smiles and greetings. The grateful ‘Thank You’ and the feeling that the holiday spirit is alive and well in spite of the times that we are going through. These opportunities to serve help us remember each other as the feeling of community is with us today and will continue to be with us throughout the year.”

If you are interested in learning more about the Rotary Club of Castro Valley, along with the many programs they sponsor within the community, visit their website at


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