Save Your Back, Knees, and Hips with One Stretch

The “Egoscue Supine Groin Stretch” (ESGS) focuses on a muscle called the Psoas (SO-az). It’s a ribbon-like muscle that runs from either side of your lumbar spine down to just below your hips.

You can't go on social media without seeing all sorts of ridiculous fitness challenges. Burpee Challenges, Plank challenges, etc. Frankly, I'd rather eat glass than do a 5-minute plank.

If you’d like to try some of these go ahead, but I thought I'd propose a fitness challenge that actually helps, and that you can even do while watching TV.

Here it is. For the next seven days I want you to spend 30 minutes doing one stretch.

It doesn't look like much, but it’s the best thing I've found to loosen up your hips, back, and shoulders.

It’s called the “Egoscue Supine Groin Stretch” (ESGS) and it focuses on a muscle called the Psoas (SO-az). It’s a ribbon-like muscle that runs from either side of your lumbar spine down to just below your hips.

The problem with the Psoas is that it gets tight with lots of sitting and that can cause back, hip, knee, and even shoulder pain.

What the ESGS does is help regain length and function in the Psoas. This helps improve your posture and that reduces pain.

It’s simple to do but there’s some important things to note.

Lie flat on your back with one leg out straight and the other resting on a box or chair with your knee and hip bent to about 90 degrees.

The outside of the foot on your straight leg needs to be propped against something so your toes point straight up. This foot position is what stretches and releases the psoas. It's important to have something propping your toes straight up because the psoas won’t relax if you keep tension on the leg by holding it up under your own power.

I’ll do this while watching TV sometimes. Half the show with one leg straight and half with the other.

My challenge is for you to do this stretch for 15 minutes on each leg for the next seven days.

If you do, I'm confident you’ll feel some powerful results. Most importantly, you’ll start to realize the importance of your overall posture in how you feel and move every day.

The first time I did it, it felt like nothing was happening and then suddenly my leg just started vibrating and relaxing like crazy. It was quite an experience.

If you want more info on it, do a quick Google search for "Egoscue Supine Groin Stretch" or better yet, send me an email. I’d love to hear how you do.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

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