What is Fitness?

All too often we look outside ourselves to come up with a definition of what fitness means. 

It’s a certain bodyweight. A certain look. The ability to do something, whether or not it actually means anything to us.

The wonderful thing about fitness is that we define it for ourselves!

For someone, fitness is how much they can squat. For someone else, fitness is being able to take care of their grandkids for a weekend. For someone else, it’s being able to carry their groceries into the house. 

And they’re all correct!

You don’t need to listen to other people to figure out what fitness is. Take some time and think about what it really means to you.

Is it a performance goal such as lifting a certain amount or running a certain distance? 

Is it a health goal such as getting off a medication or being able to keep up with the grandkids?

Is it a mental health goal because you realize you need to make yourself a priority for a few hours a week?

Maybe it’s all of the above and that’s OK! It can be whatever works for you. 

And what’s even better? 

It can change. Just like you.


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