Our properties can be exposed to wind-blown embers and radiant heat and flames during wildfires. In order to survive a wildfire, homes must be “hardened” by using fire-resistant building materials and removing combustible vegetation. In neighborhoods with closer home-to-home spacing, a community-wide effort will be necessary to keep homes safe.
Join us to learn specific actions residents can take to protect their families and properties from wildfire on Sunday, May 21 at 2 pm. Presenter Stephen Quarles has had a decades-long career researching and instructing on wildfire and safety. He is an emeritus of the University of California Cooperative Extension and worked for the California State Fire Marshal. He also served as the Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability for the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety.
Please register at www.aclibrary.org or by calling 510-667-7900.
The Castro Valley Library, a branch of the Alameda County Library system. The Library will provide an ASL interpreter for any event with at least seven working days’ notice. Please call 510-667-7900 or TTY 888-663-0660.