Community Calendar
Local Events, Meetings and More
Regular Government Meetings
• Castro Valley Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) generally meets on land-use issues at 6 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, and holds general purpose meetings at 6 p.m. on most 3rd Mondays. Meetings are currently virtual at 6 p.m. For agenda, visit:
• Castro Valley School Board meetings are currently virtual. For agenda, visit:
• Castro Valley Sanitary District (CVSan) meets at 6:30p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. Meetings are currently virtual:
• Alameda County Board of Supervisors meets every Tuesday at 10:45 a.m. Meetings are currently virtual:
Reel Talk with Mick LaSalle: Movie Discussion at CV Library
You’ve heard of a book club. How about a movie club with the San Francisco Chronicle’s long-time film critic Mick LaSalle! Join us on March 16 at 2:30 pm for a discussion of the film A Most Violent Year.
First, watch the film, A Most Violent Year (2014; Rated R) starring Oscar Isaac, Jessica Chastain and David Oyelowo. (DVDs are available through the Library’s collection and Link Plus. The film is also available to rent on Amazon Prime and Apple TV, if you already happen to subscribe to those services.)
Next, consider questions developed by Mick. Questions will be emailed to registrants.
Then, come hear Mick’s take on the film and discuss it with fellow community members on March 16.
Registration is required. For information about this and other events, visit or call 510/667-7900.
The Castro Valley Library, a branch of the Alameda County Library system. The Library will provide an ASL interpreter for any event with at least seven working days’ notice. Please call 510-667-7900 or TTY 888-663-0660.

'Beyond Recognition' Film Screening
The Alameda County Library will be hosting an online Film Screening and Discussion– “Beyond Recognition” via Zoom tomorrow Thursday, March 17 at 6:30 pm. Follow Corrina Gould, Chochenyo Ohlone, as she advocates for protection of her ancestors’ burial places here in the East Bay. When a community occupation of a sacred site does not prevent its desecration, she embarks on a journey to establish the first women led urban indigenous land trust, along with Johnella LaRose and Indian People Organizing for Change. “Beyond Recognition” is a documentary exploring the questions of Native resilience, cultural preservation, and the power of community led movements. Join us in a discussion with Corrina Gould, founder of Sogorea Te’ land trust, and filmmaker Michelle Steinberg after the screening. Film viewing will be available through Vimeo or through DVD checkout at AC library. Registered participants will receive the Vimeo and Zoom links via email.