Get Your Facts Straight

Please, Mr. Thomas, if you’re going to be so harsh as to call someone a "liar" clean up your own house and get your FACTS straight first.

All you had to do Mr. Thomas is Google “Kamala Harris defund the police” and two articles come up, “Kamala Harris applauds LA Mayor’s decision to slash police funding” and “From Top Cop to Applaud Defending LAPD.”
I know liberals such as you hate dealing with Stone, Cold, Hard Facts. But really, Mr. Thomas, don't belittle yourself and try to convince others here that you have the truth when in Fact you do not.

As for Fox. Democrats, Independents and Republicans have learned they can trust that network for news over watching the likes of Chris Cuomo (embarrassingly tossed out) or Don Lemon, a true joke on the air.

Sorry, Mr. Thomas, but those are the FACTS.

–Charles Scott, Castro Valley


RE: Response to Responses


RE: ‘CVSan Preps Site’ Article