RE: Response to Responses
I couldn’t agree more with Mr. Anticevich’s comment that this publication should stick to community related items, not political hogwash. Why just the other day i was affronted by a local community related issue that needs to be dealt with right away. I was at the Starbucks in the village to get my daily venti chai (whole milk, no water, lukewarm, please) when I noticed a sign that they were no longer taking cash which they seemed to imply was some sort of technical issue. Well, I don’t know about you, but my good friend Tucker Carlson has taught me that any small inconvenience is clearly a sign of some impending doom intended to destroy OUR country. Not only were they refusing to accept the legal tender that every RED WHITE AND BLUE AMERICAN knows is the GREATEST CURRENCY IN THE WORLD, they encouraged folks to use there app on their personal “SMART” phone to pay for our delicious beverages. Well, i for one know that those software widgets are just intended to track all of our daily movements, bowel or otherwise, and this is clearly just another step on the part of the deep state, the liberal elite, the illuminati, and the lizard people (including Nancy Pelosi) to keep us in line, dumb us down, and make us OBEY everything they say. Nowadays they want our poor suffering baristas not only to make 15 intricate concoctions a minute, but also keep them from knowing how to make change from a $2 bill, which they probably don’t even know is real AMERICAN greenback. I haven’t been this offended since the last time I boycotted Starbucks, for a reason I can’t remember but I’m sure we must have won and showed them that the AMERICAN PEOPLE ARE THE BOSS!
Back in my day we could get a cup of coffee flavored coffee for 5 cents, and you bet that every small child coming from the factory knew just how many pennies it took to buy themselves their one loaf of bread a day. Back in the day of good ol Teddy Rosevelt the men were men, the womanfolk and others were kept in their place, and the Starbucks didn’t have kitty litter boxes in their restrooms in case someone felt that they needed to be extra WOKE. Sure we had robber barons, no running water, and most of the kids died of dysentery when they weren’t out shooting bears or fjording rivers, but that was the GREAT AMERICA that our finest president wants to return us to, GOD willing! Well, I for one will not be trapped by their supposed “app” that will implant the 5g virus that I evaded in not getting vaccinated for terrible diseases. The REDS tried that by putting fluoride in our water but we had Raygun to protect us and TEAR DOWN THAT WALL. What’s next, they’ll be wanting us to pay in unborn children, whatever godless currency Ghana uses, or worse: Android Pay! So the next time you go to the village Starbucks, you tell them that this is THE GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD and that if they won’t take your Sacagawea dollars then you might take your business elsewhere…or use a credit card.
–Marc Percher, Castro Valley