CVSan Should Consider Term Limits.


I received the CVSan Calendar several days ago. What a waste of money! CVSan will save around $70,000 per year by not sending it out in the future.  

The 2025 Calendar touts the virtues of the new Operations and Engineering monstrosity at Center Street. Nowhere in the Calendar do I see the cost to the ratepayers, costing around $30 million, or the yearly debt service on the revenue bond of around $1 million for the next 30 Years. CVSan used to be a pay-as-you-go district. Now it appears to be a borrow-as-you-go district. What a waste of money! It should be noted that it started out as a $6 million Corporation Yard.

Congratulations to the incumbent Board Members for winning this election. The incumbent Board Members will have served 74 cumulative years in 2028. The incumbent Board Members outspent the non-incumbent Board Members 10 to 1 in their campaign. CVSan should consider term limits.


–Ken Owen, Castro Valley


Response to Debbie Perreira’s Letter


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