Response to Debbie Perreira’s Letter
The letter to the editor submitted by Debbie Perreira (November 6) must have been written as a tongue-in-cheek humor letter (i.e. Donald Trump is a renowned international businessman). This is the same man who cheated contractors and workers out of their fair wages by filing bankruptcy four times. Paid less than eight thousand dollars in taxes for a four-year period, according to tax returns released by the I.R.S. Trump Charites and Trump University fined and closed permanently for scamming millions from the people, a convicted felon, rapist, and draft dodger (remember his feet hurt). Like the Reverand Jim Jones, Trump offered his cult followers lemonade and without question, they drank it.
As a side note, I hear Trump selected a Fox talk show host as Secretary of Defense.
The circus begins.
–Fred Kopperdahl, Castro Valley