Gun Control Will Not End Problem of Gun Violence


Almost 200 years ago, Thoreau said, “For every Dozen hacking at the roots of evil, there is one hacking at the roots.” I for one do not believe in Guns. I actually agree with Robert’s interpretation of the Constitution. The problem today is no one cares about the Constitution, the current generation wants to modify the law and amend the Constitution to serve their own interests. In fact they are trying to destroy our generation’s values and foundation-- a formula for Chaos.

As one who grew up in a family of hunters and have friends that are retired police officers, I respect the rights of others to own firearms. Many of them are better conservations than a non-hunter or fisherman, like me. Most of them exercise self -restraint and prudence with their gun use.

The problem is the empowerment of an undisciplined, disrespectful, self-serving and unholy generation who have access to firearms. They do not respect the Constitution because they have no personal governing constitution.

We had a nation of people who were familiar and trained with guns after World War II, yet the world was a safer place when I grew up as a baby boomer.  

–Frederick Spiller, Castro Valley


Gun Numbers are Erroneous


Surprised then Blessed