In response to Mr. Papachristos’ Letter

In response to Mr. Papachristos’ “Letter To The Editor” dated March 20, 2024, I am left wondering why so many people fall victim to fear-induced politics, especially considering what we all should have learned about this nasty ploy from the days of Hitler.

Mr. Papachristos, you compiled a litany of headline charges the paint Biden as a monster, but you did not provide one piece of evidence to support a single charge.

Time has a way of proving truth, and in this case, time has shown your supposition that “Biden looks like is headed for a possible impeachment due to his son’s business dealings and his involvement with Ekraine (sic), China, Russia, etc.” is simply untrue.

The only current presidential candidate who has been brought up on impeachment charges (twice), who has been found liable in a court of law for a sexual assault, and is currently facing felony charges (over 80) is the one you are proudly supporting.

I hope that once your intoxication wears off you will not be hurting too badly.

–Brian Foster, Castro Valley


FACT: Donald Trump was NOT Convicted of Rape


Absolutely False