Re-Elect Supervisor Nate Miley

Castro Valley needs to reelect our experienced, dedicated, and respected Supervisor Nate Miley.

For years, Nate Miley and his staff worked very hard to preserve our Madison Area Specific Plan. (MASP)

In 1974, the MASP was adopted because residents asked the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to protect our neighborhood.

In 2005, neighbors asked Nate Miley to strengthen the Plan provisions to preserve our neighborhood’s environment. Supervisor Miley and his staff coordinated countless government agency meetings, workshops and ballot surveys which culminated in clearer policy and implementation language. In 2006, the MASP was adopted by the Board of Supervisors.

Nate Miley has always been a strong supporter of our art, education, and senior groups.

Supervisor Nate Miley has the experience to get the job done.

–Gerald and Winifred Thompson, Castro Valley


Typical of MAGA Supporter


Arts Education of Our Youth