Re: Robert Thomas and The 2nd Amendment

Here’s a unique idea Robert Thomas should consider. Instead of doing away with the second amendment, how about getting our liberal judges and district attorneys to obey the laws already on the books?

Remember the old saying, “use a gun, go to jail?” Not any more. Nowadays our far left justice system is more interested in giving hardened criminals a third, fourth and fifth chance with their get out of jail free card. And, in most cases, do these criminals change their ways? Of course not.

If we actually had a justice system that made people pay for their crimes, we wouldn't have to worry about the second amendment, or gun control. But that shamefully is not happening.

Democrats who promoted, “defund the police” and continue to hire sympathetic district attorneys, and promote ultra liberal judges have ignored the laws that have been in place for hundreds of years. They go after the law abiding gun owners, while ignoring or giving forgiveness to those who commit crimes using guns.

This is where our focus should be. And stop blaming crimes committed with guns on the second amendment. Because criminal pay no attention to amendments or the law.

–Jane Mason, Castro Valley


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