Swalwell Listens Only to The Left

Dear Editor,
Not only I, but a number of Democrats, including one Socialist, are in agreement with your letter writer who wondered how a "Inflation Reduction" bill can possibly do its job by spending more tax payers money.
Socialist Bernie Sanders flatly stated the bill, "will do noting to help inflation". Moderate Democratic Senator Joe Manchin followed up with, "there is no way this bill will haver an immmediate impact on inflation".
Simple, common sense (which is rarely used in Washington!) tells us, we cannot spend more than what we bring in. But, unfortuantely, our representaves, including one Eric Swalwell don't feel that way.
And I agree, now is the time to clean house in Washington. Only then can a real difference be made.

–Steven Anticevich, Castro Valley


CVHS Students


Reply to: Robert Thomas