RCS Remembers 9/11, Honors First Responders

The Patriots Day Assembly is an annual program at Redwood Christian Schools (RCS) dedicated to remembering the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on our country. 9-11 changed all of our lives forever. On the 20th Anniversary of 9-11, RCS once again gathered to remember and recognize the sacrifice of the First Responders and their families paid on 9-11, as well as those lives lost since then. We are so thankful for our First Responders and military, who continue to protect all of us today, at home and overseas.
On September 10, Mrs. Lynn Conley led her and Mrs. Laura Vanegas' third-grade classes, in honoring not only our military and those who gave their lives on September 11, 2001, but also First Responders, who risk their lives daily. Mrs. Conley’s brother, Will Seuis, died while serving as an Oakland Police Officer in 2004.
Students are taught to honor First Responders (law enforcement, firefighters and EMTs) as well as those who serve or have served in our Armed Forces. This is not taught passively, but with the purpose to ensure that our students remember that their lives are safer due to the sacrifices of those who serve us.
The Patriots Day Assembly opened with a welcome by Mrs. Conley followed by a flag ceremony from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW Post 9601), American Legion and two Army Recruiters, followed by students leading all present in the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of our National Anthem, and posting of the colors.
Law enforcement officers from the Oakland Police Department where Mrs. Conley’s brother Will served, as well as the Alameda County Sheriff’s Office, and the Alameda County Fire Department, also attended and were recognized for their dedication and service to our community.
Mrs. Conley reminded all present why it was so important to always remember those who sacrificed their lives for us, and those to serve us today. All of the military branches were represented (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) and recognized all present for their military and service as a First Responder.
Local Heroes were honored by Student Rebecca Seymour, who read a tribute to the United States Military Service Members in honor of her cousin and student Noli Dawit read a tribute to Firefighters and student Madison Jones, daughter of Oakland Police Officer Trevelyon Jones, read a tribute to those who serve us in law enforcement. Mrs. Conley led everyone present singing “God Bless America.”
The 2021 Patriots Day Assembly was closed by Dr. Al Hearne, Superintendent of Redwood Christian Schools, who thanked everyone who makes the event so memorable, thanked those who serve us, reminded the students that when they see someone in uniform, they should go up to them and thank them for helping to keep them safe, and prayed for our First Responders and those who serve us in the military. The assembly ended with the VFW playing "Taps.”
After the chapel, our honorees – veterans and those currently serving in our military as well as first responders – remained and shared time by visiting with the students in the parking lot. Students were excited to sit on Oakland Police Department motorcycles, get an up-close look at an Alameda County Fire Engine, receive safety information and pose for pictures with their newfound heroes. Other organizations present distributed patriotic items and general information.
The leadership of Redwood Christian Schools uses every opportunity to “instill a Spirit of Patriotism” (one of our Core Values) by fostering a love for our great country, remembering those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live in the greatest country on earth, as well as those who serve us every day as our First Responders.
“I am so proud of our students and the respect they continue to show for our First Responders and military service members, both past and present. Nurturing a Love of Country and modeling appreciation for everyone in uniform for our children is the responsibility of all of us,” said Redwood Christian Elementary Principal Megan Sinisi.