Four Ways to Recover from Getting Sick

Getting sick is all the craze these days. Everyone’s getting in on it. Friends and family have come down with things ranging from a bit of a cough to full-on BLECCH in the last month, and it’s not good. It gets in the way of life, and more importantly, it gets in the way of going to the gym. I’m only half-kidding about that. Here are some hints to help you get through this tough time.

1. Relieve your stress. This time of year does us all in. The holidays, the weather, the finances. Even a few days off work doesn’t help. Work never really goes away, right? Stress compromises our immune system big-time, so we’ve got to do things to help relieve it. 

Many studies have shown that exercise is a proven way to relieve stress. It releases all sorts of hormones in our body that fight it off as well as giving us a mental break from whatever’s getting us down. Even though you might not feel like it and even though you might not be able to give everything you usually give in the gym, go in and do something if at all possible and you’ll feel better in the long run.

2. Resistance train.  Many studies have shown that resistance training (pushups, sit-ups, step-ups) helps our immune system. (If it seems like I think that resistance training is a kind of panacea, you’re right. I do. Because it is.)

3. Eat your vegetables. The best way to keep yourself from getting sick is to give your immune system the ammunition to fight off the molecules that want to attack it. Well, consider vegetables a Howitzer, a Stealth bomber, and the EM50 Urban Assault Vehicle from “Stripes” all rolled into one for your body.

4. Watch “Stripes.” If you don’t know what the EM50 Urban Assault Vehicle is, do yourself a favor and watch one of the funniest movies ever made, “Stripes.” Laughter has also been shown to help your immune system. Who doesn’t want to see Bill Murray turn the military upside down with hilarious consequences? “BOOM-locka-locka-locka-BOOM-locka-locka-locka-BOOM-locka-locka-locka-BOOM.”

In any case, take care of yourself and be well. By the way, if there’s anything you’d like me to write about in the future, please let me know. I always want to be sure to write about things that people want to know. Thanks.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

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