5 Fitness Tips to Know for the New Year

This is a scary time of year, friends. Right about now you’ll start to see things. Things that defy description, logic, and common sense. Things that challenge all we hold to be true. 

I’m talking, of course, about New Years gym and personal trainer promotions. 

Terrifying stuff, indeed! 

We know deep down that these promises are as real as Santa, and yet each year they arrive just the same. And you know that if they do come around each year, that means the lies must still work.

That makes me sad and angry.

So, what do you say this year we do our best to change that, huh? Not fall for that garbage. Not give in to the New Year Transformation Challenge quick-fix stuff you’ll, see? Yeah, it’s expertly marketed with amazing before & after pictures and incredible messaging and boy-oh-boy do we want it to be true.  

But it’s not.

The good news, though, is that you can get results. Real ones with real world implications that make your real life better. It doesn’t have to take long, and you don’t have to do back-breaking workouts, either.

Here’s 5 things to know to arm yourself against the crazy hyped-up stuff so when you see it, you can fight back.


  1. There are no quick fixes. You know I’m right. Your body just doesn’t work like that and by the way, that’s a good thing. If someone promises you something crazy, just back away slowly.

  2. Avoid extreme methods. 1000 calories diets…crazy workouts that make you feel like death warmed over...never eating another cookie. Does any of that really make sense?

  3. Consistency is key. When starting a workout program, keep that in mind.

  4. Do something you like…or at least don’t hate. I get that exercise isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time, but if you join a program doing something you hate, you won’t do it, no matter what your intentions were. Trust me. I’ve seen it many times.

  5. Don’t use the scale to gauge your success. The scale isn’t a measure of your health or your worth. Don’t believe anyone who tells you that merely losing weight will make you healthier or happier. Losing weight may not have any effect on either one and in many cases leaves you less healthy and more unhappy than before you started. The myth that losing weight will cure all is perhaps the biggest lie there is. Don’t fall for it. 

I know this may ask you to change some things about what you’re listening to or believe, but it’s worth it. Ask me any questions you like about any of it or if you just want some help on picking your own exercise program for 2024. I promise you I’ll help, even if it isn’t mine.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

Castro Valley's Premier Fitness Facility

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