Beware of Fitness Conspiracy Theories

I hate conspiracy theories. They prey on our insecurities and make us feel like we’re missing that crucial bit of information that those powerful people “DON’T WANT US TO KNOW!” They also tend to disintegrate with the tiniest bit of critical thinking.

Anyway, I thought I'd talk about two of the fitness industry's favorite conspiracy theories. Why are they conspiracy theories? Because they don't make much sense when you really think about them, but they just keep hanging around!

Well, let's get started.

1 - You need to lose weight. 

What They Tell You: Losing weight is the only goal that really matters for your health and for your value to the world. Smaller is better. Especially if you are a woman.

The Conspiracy: The weight loss industry is a $72 trillion (that's nine zeros) industry that makes its money by making you feel bad about yourself. Here's the process:

  • Tell you you're unhealthy and have little value to the world due to your body.

  • Sell you something to lose weight that doesn't work or is unsustainable.

  • Blame you for its failure.

  • Sell you something else.

The Truth: Losing weight itself has little to no impact on our health and some methods actually make you less healthy.

If you've been told you "need" to lose weight, just ask why. What will losing weight get you? Base your actions on the answer to that question, and you’ll get better results.

2 - You Shouldn’t Strength Train After 50.

What They Tell You: The day you reach 50, you turn old and fragile and are merely a walking, talking injury risk that should be treated like a Faberge Egg.

The Conspiracy: This is based on an overall lack of knowledge about the body and how it works. I can't put it any other way.

The Truth: Strength training becomes more important as we get older.

You want to know what protects your body when you fall?


Do you want to know how you're going to get up?


Do you want to know how to protect your bones from osteoporosis?


I could keep going, but you get the point.

If you aren't working on your strength as you get older, you are missing a huge piece of the puzzle.

There are plenty more of these fitness conspiracy theories out there (detoxes, anyone?), but I think you get the point. Do you know what really makes sense? If you're not sure, just ask.

Take care and stay safe!

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

Castro Valley's Premier Fitness Facility

We Help People Discover Their Strength



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