Improving Chronic Pain Through Fitness

Why the heck do we do all this fitness stuff? People ask that all the time.

Our members get coached on form all the time.

Shoulders down...push your hips back...exhale through your belly... 

There's a reason for that and it's not to act all bossy pants. It’s because the exercises we program in the gym generally have an impact that extends well beyond our gym walls and into the mysterious place known as the Real World.

In the Real World it doesn't really matter how much you can deadlift, but it does matter that you can pick something up without hurting yourself.

In the Real World it doesn't matter how many pushups you can do, but it does matter that you can get yourself off the ground when you fall.

In the Real World it doesn't matter how your dumbbell rows look, but it does matter that your shoulders, neck, and back don't hurt.

Get my point?

That’s why we focus on form so much. Without it, you won’t get all you should get from the exercises you do at our gym or anywhere else.

We believe most chronic pain issues (chronic pain is the kind of nagging pain you may have semi-regularly) stem from problems with your posture or how you move. That is what good form can help improve.
So, to answer the initial question: 

Why do we this fitness stuff? 

The answer is pretty simple: 

So, we can live better, more energetic, and productive lives. 

And the super-cool thing about that, is you can do that anytime no matter your age, your condition, or anything else. You just have to start.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

Castro Valley's Premier Fitness Facility

We Help People Discover Their Strength



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