How to Get Better Results in 2023

The Oxford Language dictionary defines a gimmick as, “A trick or device intended to attract attention, publicity, or business.”

 Gimmicks bother me. I hate them.

They’re designed to do two things:

  1. Take your money.

  2. Blame you when they don’t work.

Here are some examples: 

· Diets that eliminate entire food groups. “CARBS ARE THE ENEMY!”

· Workouts that gave an actor their “SUPERHERO PHYSIQUE!!!!!”



· Diets promising big weight loss in a short amount of time. “LOSE 25 POUNDS IN 3 WEEKS!”

You get the picture.

And that’s how devious these things are. People know what’s happening and fall for it anyway.

Why? Because, oh boy, do we want what they’re selling us. Who doesn’t want to look like Wolverine or Black Widow? Or trim their belly just by drinking apple cider vinegar? Who wouldn’t want their perceived problems fixed so easily?

Maybe you wouldn’t fall for any of those lines, but I’ve had smart, hard-working people ask me about programs, supplements, and gadgets that promise each of these “get-rich-quick-scheme-y” things even while knowing deep-down what garbage they are.

So, I know it’s great to tell you what NOT to do, but here’s three things you CAN do to get real, meaningful results.

· Be consistent. People resort to unsustainable methods of dieting and exercise because they believe one meal or workout makes a huge difference. It doesn’t. What does is being consistent over a period of time.

· Work hard. This gets tricky and, without an explanation, can lead to one of our worst enemies: The dreaded and highly unhelpful “all-or-nothing-thinking” trap. Not every workout needs to be or even should be some crazy ultra-intense effort. Look at whatever your comfort zone is and work slightly outside of it. Work just a little bit faster. Lift just a little bit heavier. No need to be crazy. Hard work and consistency is an unbeatable combination. 

· Be patient. All our bodily functions are there for one thing. Survival. The reason for everything our body does may seem awfully complicated until we think of it in those terms. That’s why creating lasting changes can be difficult. They take energy, which takes away from our body’s ability to fight off any kind of immediate threat…like being without food for days at a time…or being chased by a saber-toothed tiger. While we usually don’t have to worry about being attacked by a wooly mammoth at the TJ Maxx, our bodies are still wired to think that way so know that results won’t happen overnight. Despite what they told you on the package.

· Ask questions. If you don’t know the best and most sustainable way to reach your goals, find someone reliable to ask.

Keep these things in mind, and you’ll achieve real results that you’ll be able to hold on to.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Level 2 Lean Eating Coach, Egoscue PAS, FMS

Castro Valley Fitness at 2861 Grove Way

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